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作者:Pocock 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2012/8/28 16:22:09    加入收藏
 关键字:临床试验 复合终点 CVD 荟萃分析 

  <International Circulation>: Currently, do you think results form sub group analysis of clinical studies have been over interpreted?  And how would you interpret the results correctly in terms of paper writing.
Professor Pocock : There is a bad history of over interpretation of sub group analyses and I will not go into examples, that would take too long.  I think sub group analyses need to be seen as exploratory so you come up with a global result for a study.  And then it is logical as a sequel to ask yourself “Is the overall treatment finding consistent across different types of patients?”  So that is worth attempting to do. The usual problem is you have too many ideas in your head of possible sub groups and secondly the trial lacks statistical power to give reliable results, in particular sub groups.  How to interpret them? I think you tend to see them as hypothesis generating.  So I think it is valid that you would include usually a later table or figure in a trial or report displaying sub group findings and then you should have with an appropriate interaction test to say whether the treatment effect really differs between subgroups and then of course you would like to see a cautious discussion which is in the spirit of hypothesis generating.  Of course people like to go further than that, especially in a trial that was overall negative.  In the talk I gave yesterday I gave an example where they made a post hoc claim on a sub group in a secondary endpoint and squeezed that somehow into the abstract of the publication in the Lancet which really both the authors and the Lancet should have known better not to let that happen.  So the number one word is caution when it comes to sub group analyses.


  <International Circulation>: my last question, for conclusions with a meta analysis or RCTs, which ones do you consider more reliable?
Professor Pocock :  Oh that depends on the RCT.  I do not think one can generalize.  An individual trial has two problems.  One it may not be big enough to reach reliable conclusions by itself and secondly it is studied in one specific population so you do not know whether you can generalize your findings for patients of a slightly different type.  So individual trials may not give enough evidence.  They give reliable evidence but not enough evidence to be generalizable.  So a good quality meta analysis which includes all relevant trials which have been done in a well defined question can give more generalizable results and more reliable estimates.  The trouble with meta analyses is they vary remarkably in quality and we saw an example here today on an ARBs in cancer, a meta analyses which should have never made it into print, and they exist unfortunately.  So a good quality meta analyses has an important place if the individual trials are not big enough to reach reliable conclusions.


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